Leverage Trusted Data
for Your AI Apps & Models

Discover, use, and monetize datasets with Valyu.
Build highly performant models with responsibly sourced diverse and quality datasets.  

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Responsible ai

Accelerating data for AI responsibly

Data is for AI what source code is for software. There is immense value in data and we are committed to maximising the value of data products transparently and responsibly.

License & Enforce Governance Policies

Establish licensing terms for datasets easily and manage access programatically. You can also apply a robust set of Privacy Enhancing Techniques before you make it available for training.


Manage and verify provenance of training datasets. Understanding where your datasets come from can help you train and deploy your models with confidence.


Building a better tomorrow with AI research

We are dedicated to building great products, pushing boundaries of engineering and research while having fun doing it.

Distributed Data Infastructure

Utilising novel developments in cryptography, smart contracts and governance to serve data in ML. Comprehensive data infrastructure at scale.

Tools You Love

Growing set of tools to benchmark, refine, and synthesize datasets, for your ML workflows. Built for engineers, by engineers.